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With Trayvon the backup plan if Wells is only a 4th OF or too bad a CFer to last (or Trayvon is just better, which could very well be possible).  I think we keep Guti and see if he can heal up over the offseason, which makes him the CF next year with Wells as Mr. Fill-in until it's Trayvon's gig should Guti continue to not work out.
I still think we added a bunch of guys for that eventual bat trade we'll likely have to make.  We couldn't get the lumber we needed this year.  Jack talked after the deadline about how insanely crazy the prices were for lumber in June and how it was exponentially more expensive to buy extra weeks of a player.
The offseason is less crazed and the prices more stable.  If he can get an Upton for the price of a few prospects, I don't see why he wouldn't.  Wells can slide to CF, many of our positions are duplicated in the minors...this is what minors depth is FOR: to enable you to give up 4 guys without losing anyone you were really counting on for future ML production.
I think Carp stays at this point.  He's out of options so any team that traded for him would have to keep him on the 25-man.  What we do with Wells, Trayvon, Chiang, Martinez and all our sudden flood of arms, on the other hand?
Much, much more murky, because I think you build that depth to make the trade you need in order to make your major league club function.
I'm not getting attached to any of the minor league kids or new trade acquisitions right now.  Jack may just have traded for a bunch of movable pieces instead of future Mariners.  Much easier to make a deal when you say "pick any 3" and the list is 10 names deep in quality prospects instead of 4.
This is the most important offseason we've had since about 2005.  We cleared 20+ million in payroll to use, and could be closer to 30 depending on where we stick the payroll line next year.  20 more mil comes off with Ichiro after 2012, then Figgins and Guti after 2013, and Felix after 2014.  We have a really good revolving money situation setting up at this point.
Just gotta see where we go with it. 

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