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Earlier this year there were reports of Carp's disgruntled nature when he got sent back down and that he was rubbing guys - and coaches - the wrong way.
Mike seems to have felt since Spring Training that he deserved to be on the 25-man and was angry at the Mariners for not seeing it even back in March.  He got thrown out of a game, nearly suspended, and benched for a week-ish upon his last return to Tacoma for screaming at an ump in his first AB back, just utterly frustrated that the Ms were not buying in on him.
That was my take, anyway.
Carp DOES have swagger.  He DOES feel like he belongs. Back before he did belong, that was an issue.  Vets tend to bag on rookies who come up feeling "entitled" or are giving them the "don't sweat it, old guy, I got this" approach.  I don't think Wedge would be any less 1000-degree heat about that on his first brush with it.
Swagger is great as long as everyone else buys in too...otherwise you get Colby Rasmus / Logan Morrison issues.  Carp's had his bumps with his attitude, but luckily for us his work on his game never suffered.  The Ms sent im back down with Wilson, IMO, because they were looking for pliable minor leaguers at the time, not headstrong, difficult ones.
Mike is a hard-working, talented guy, though, and it's showing.  He forced his way back up for another look and is taking absolute advantage of it.  He might not be the humblest water-boy to ever be seen and not heard, but right now he's backing it up, and as long as he DOES that they can live with a little abrasiveness now and then.
I remember Bobby Madritsch cussing out everyone he could find when he didn't make the 25 man out of Spring Training and promising he would be back.  And he was.  And he was as great as he thought he was.  If he could have been healthy, he would have been great.
I believe Carp is in that personality mold.  I hope he's got greatness in him too.  Everything he's done at the plate says that, "don't sweat it, old guy, I got this" statement in a way that can't be denied.  Keep it up, kid.  We could definitely use more swagger and the ability to put a hurt on a pitcher.

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