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ghost's picture might fairly describe me as a student of 1870s baseball just as much as I am a student of 1970s baseball...that being - "I've never seen a game played precisely the way it was played in either era first hand...but I've certainly read, watched documentary footage, analyzed the statistics etc...everything someone in my position can feasibly do"
I just urge a bit of caution regarding assuming that everyone who might disagree that it's the best solution to stick Carp at third just doesn't know what it looks like to play a slugger at third.  There are, of course, many paths to victory...the Braves won many NLCs's in the 1990s playing the worst defensive third baseman in major league history with at least 1000 games played at the position (who happened to be a phenomenal hitter) it's not impossible for Carp to hold his own at third...I just think we have other alignments that work better such that we don't need to stick Carp in a position for which he has no training and risk losing 25 runs on defense just to get another bat in the line-up.

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