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People who are determined to compete spend all their energy finding a way to do so, whether that be finding an as yet undiscovered niche or just plumb working harder than the other guy.
People who are determined to compete don't use competitive disadvantages as excuses to fail.
Some people are determined to try but content to fail.
Institutional thumbs on the scale of justice (the advantages of clubs like New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago Pale Hose, LAAofA) are, unfortunately very, very real. The deck is indeed stacked against a team like Seattle.
That is why it was so frustrating to see the Mariners against all odds actually overcome these problems during the Lou Piniella era, literally shoving their way into a seat at the table of top teams, only to squander their newfound opportunities by front office ineptitude and the penny-wise pound-foolish miserliness of the Grand Poohbahs. Little did we know that Ichiro's rookie year of 2001, was like a sugar high, an era that would quickly come to an end and the beginning of the franchise's demise.
Things seem finally to be changing under Zduriencik. Their seems to be a combination of a plan and the expertise needed to execute it. We hope that there will also prove to be the needed support from the Grand Poohbahs to bring it to fruition AND KEEP IT THERE.

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