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it is pretty risky to count on both Hultzen and Paxton starting for the Mariners next year let alone both out of spring training, and even if they do both make it out of spring training they would have similar innings limitations as Pineda does this year.
I think that Furbush has just about sewn up the #4 spot, he still has a lot of upside as a starter and just like one wouldnt want to misuse Wilhelmson as a reliever if he is a good starter, the same applies to Furbish.  So I would have Felix, Pineda, Vargas and Furbush and then who ever wins the Beaven, Hultzen, Wilhelmson, Paxton battle.  the loser go to the pen or stay in the rotation for the Rainers and then when we trade Vargas and or one of the origional 5 fails (I am looking at YOU Beaven), you get a nice upgrade in the roptation mid season.
Or maybe all the kids blow ST away and we end up with a Felix, Pineda, Hultzen, Paxton, Wilhelmson rotation and Vargas is sent home crying in his milk ;)

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