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I have just gotten to the point where I believe in the 400 footers more than I believe in the math :)
I don't think that the Math can account for mindset, and everything I have seen from day one (including listening to parts of his college career as an avid Beaver fan) has screamed "will give in", or for lack of a better word, pansy.  I think that Morrow has self esteem / self view issues as well, HE doesn't know who he is, HE doesn't know what he wants, so how can he have any conviction when he tries for something, or when he is throwing to Big Papi with the tying run on first?  This goes back to the whole, "I am the closer", "well now I am not", "they forced me!  I never wanted to, boo hoo, woe is me", "my diabetes made me do it!" episodes.
Yup he has 10+ ks 3+ walks and .9hrs and phenomenal talent and is the only one of his kind to fail (well at least not dominate), you say bad luck, bad defense and happenstance, it will reverse, I say thanks for the all star closer Blue Jays, enjoy the years and years of frustration and wondering why Morrow doesn't dominate ;)
Also with Morrow there is MUCH MORE than just statistics that were driving him out of town and driving my dislike of him, and as much as we would love to have baseball only be numbers and countable events, fact of the matter is that these are humans and I am a human an thus there will be feelings involved :)
Morrow had at least these 3 strikes against him, A.)  He wasn't Lincecum :) and while this is mostly Bavasi's misgiving, Morrow was the one that had to wear it. Every time I see Brandon all I can see (STILL) is Lincecum's Cy Young and world series ring!  B.)  Persona.  Maybe Brandon needed to get a PR coach or life coach, but seemingly every interview with him he was whining about something!  And I don't think it was just me, Brandon's attitude and persona just rubbed people the wrong way.  Not just the whining, but the bravado without the back up, and other things I no longer remember ;)  C.)  Under performance.  Number 5 pick in all the draft, drafted before Lincecum, drafted in the "Best Pitcher Draft in the last 30 years" (or whatever the rhetoric at the time was).  We expected dominance and we expected it immediately.  And we are STILL waiting for Morrow to achieve it!
And in the end I probably wouldn't have even posted in the original thread if it wasn't for you comment to Mojo:
Am sure you'd agree however - it's awfully embarrassing to have another org immediately deploy him to such great effect -

Like he has already achieved dominance like he immediately became an ace, all of which you acknowledge isn't really the case in the above article.  Bottom line is that Morrow has great, ELITE talent and has NEVER (not even in college) done anything with it!  I for one was glad to get the poor taste out of my mouth and get something good in return for it!

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