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I see this years team as one who understands they don't have a franchise quarterback with the chops to take this team deep into the playoffs.  One who also sees the cost of a potential franchise as too prohibitive in the current market.  This I think is different than the M's not paying $1.10 for the $1 player who could have helped push them over the top.  Kevin Kolb went to the Cards, unproven, and cost $1.50 for the $1 chance at greatness.  Will he lead Arizona to greatness for the next decade?  Maybe, but I live in Phoenix and the attitude here is one of great concern already.
The Hawks management I think decided this was the year to get rid of everyone over 30.  Sign good young (approaching thier prime) free agents who were available.  And give the O line a year to develop while a QB we don't really care about takes the beating.  Take our lumps for a year, draft a high potential QB early of which there seem to be a few in this draft.
As a fan, I'd stop watching the QB play (which makes the game easier to watch) and try to enjoy the young players developing.  This year is all about setting up for the future.  Hoping 1 or 2 bad years leads to a team that can compete for a title every year.  I would rather have that then fumble along for a decade.  Problem comes if they miss on the QB drafted. 
I don't see the Hawks throwing games this year, pros always want to win.  But management set it up for them to not be able to win the 50/50 games by turning the team over to TJ, instead of overpaying to bring a Hasselbeck back who could have pried a couple of wins out of a weak division.
As a fan, if this is the kind of team we're going to have, I'd just as soon lose this game 17-13, see some young players learn a few things, and get Andrew Luck in the draft.  Doesn't do any good to have Luck though if that right side of the O line doesn't mesh.

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