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ghost's picture

And a big part of it is Jackson...rather like the Mariners deploying Casey Kotchman to be their #3 hitter...that sort of thing can break your offense's back. The Seahawks are exactly like the 2011 Mariners of April...a few aging stars, some pieces that work in support of other pieces, but nothing around which to build a real offensive machine. The O-line is good, but you can't win with just an O-line. There are two good WRs...but that's rather like having two good leqad-off hitters. They give you options but can't score by themselves.
They need a QB, RB, FB, another two WR, a TE, and a couple of special teams guys with special speed to be a good offense...they're not just a QB or RB or even both...away from it.

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