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Interesting that the two most successful rotodweebs I've run across, also lead the league in elbow grease.  Mikey is always first to the trough when a AAA prospect comes available.
A certain minority fraction of roto success seems to be in attention / concentration.  About two months in, most leagues see 50% of the owners lose their will to win and that's when the lead can grow larger and larger...
Not that Mikey (e.g.) couldn't win in other ways.  I always tried to lobby for a Free Agent Acquisition Budget (FAAB) so that once a week I could bid on the guys I hadn't paid attention to that week.  Mikey was no worse in that format.
I used to hop online, chat live and talk guys into trades :- ) but nowadays seem to be distracted by a weird little baseball site the Klat guys put up.  
Winning used to be easier :- )

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