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I ain't a terribly big Whitehurst fan. I've watched him play and came away way well below impressed. That being said, I said similar things about some chump named Hasselbeck when we had a bona-fide starter on the roster named Dilfer. I love being wrong like that.
IF Whitehurst is able to blossom, now would be the time that he would have to flash. He's been able to absorb this offense for over a year now and has done enough studying to know how to prepare, work on his flaws, and develop his game along with this current crop of players. If he doesn't evolve and, after the first quarter, continues to lock-on to his first read only and to throw inaccurately, well, I'll be making nachos well into quarter #3 and go back to the tape later in the week when I'm less emotional.

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