There is *some* question as to how useful it is to set a target of +100, +200, or what-have-you.
I mean, Zduriencik wants to improve his team as much as possible. If his pencil marks show that he's improved his team by +200 on paper, does that mean he passes up the chance to replace Aaron Laffey with Steve Delabar?
Z has 25 roster slots and, at all times, he wants to max out each one. :shrug:
Not saying there is no use to knowing that you were -113 and you want to be +100, but I wouldn't overstate the importance of this kind of schedule.
The year the M's acquired Bedard and Silva, that's exactly what happened - a saber dude calculated that they needed +100 runs and recommended that they acquire two +5 win pitchers. ::shrug::
Honestly, in F-500 the main use for this kind of calculation would be to show your boss, to get him to sign off on moves.
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