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tjm's picture

I'll take ten Darvishes, thank you, and trade half of them. This club doesn't need pitchers or hitters - it need better players, period. Personally, I don't think Robinson OR Wells is ever going to be an impact hitter and I'd be sniffing around the Dodgers who are going to be tidying up their balance sheet in order to boost the bidding in their auction sale. Andre Ethier, until this year, was a better hitter than Kemp. They just re-signed Juan Rivera on a gross overpay which makes me think they're going to dump other salary. Ethier had a run-in with Mattingly last year and is ready to move. For next year, anyhow, he'd be a cheaper upgrade than Fielder at a better position andif you decide to keep him a replacement for Ichiro down the line.

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