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...exactly why I don't want to sign "merely good" free agents right now.  It just doesn't really make much sense for us.  We have to know what we have in the young guys before we can know where the holes are.
Don't get me wrong Spectator...normally I would completely agree with you that in objective terms, Willingham would be a good get for any club, including ours.  But this is a little different...and this is why I think so.
Right now...can anyone really know what Trayvon Robinson means to the club?  Is he the CF?  Or is it Wells?  Can Carp competently man left or will he be as bad as Willingham for the Ms?  Will Smoak stick...or will he be unseated by his own tension and aggression? Is Liddi good enough that we don't need to blow talent on a real third baseman?  Is Seager?  Can Seager play short?
We have no clue.  None.  If we want an impact bat, he'd better be an IMPACT bat...and he better cost us some of those pieces we know little about to clear the decks, I think.  Because, otherwise, we're spending money on a guy who's replacing other guys who are worth we know not what...we don't know if it's a good investment.
At this point...I want catchers, real center fielders, or shortstop/third base if I want marginal upgrades...and I want an MVP candidate and ONLY an MVP candidate if we're trying to plug the other spots (aside from second, which is well plugged)...Willingham delays our knowing what we have intollerably for a rapid rebuild. We've got to get something better than that...or go on rebuilding in this spot.

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