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The reason I want to see the M's sing Fielder is because I like to watch baseball and want to be entertained.  Yeah, I'd like the M's to win World Series like the Yankees, but I don't expect the Mariners to be the Yankees.  I follow baseball because I find it fun to watch and listen AND bond with my dad, sons, and friends.  I don't watch it just because of Wins and Losses.  It is entertainment and I want to be entertained.
I'd much rather watch a game with Prince and a bunch of young guys who may become stars than a pile of mid or end of career veterans who are average ball players.  The 2011 Mariners were far more interesting to watch than the 2010 version because of the young guys.
Which team do you want to watch?  Prince and all of these actual prospects Z has accumulated?  Or Chris Capuano, Ryan Doumit, etc.?  Both avenues could bring a World Series win - most of the discussion is which direction is more likely and there are good, logical points brought up by both sides.  For me, the choice is easy.

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