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Fair point b'wana.
Yeah, you run over and check Mauer's stats, and he's slugging 'only' .471 lifetime with 15 homers per 162.
He's a big huge guy, seems to swing hard, but all of his production is inside the park ...
Hm.  The BABIP is .341 lifetime, so he must be hitting line drives and sizzling ground balls? ... yep, sure enough, he's an extreme groundball hitter.
Of course this is a radically-different type of hitter from Casey Kotchman or John Jaso.  
This underlines the fact that you can't forecast a group of hitters together, based on only on their K, BB, and ISO similarities.
A family of "Great LH Hitters who Smoke the Ball On The Ground" is going to forecast differently from those hitters who have .140 ISO's because they don't swing hard.
I wonder which other huge HOF lefty batters had 2:1 groundball ratios.

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