Today, the Marlins inked Buerhle, to go along with Reyes and Bell. For those counting, that is 17.5m/yr for Reyes, 9 m/yr for Bell and 14.5 m/yr for Buerhle. This brings the Marlins total to $42 m per year so far.
Last year, the Marlins payroll was at $56 m. I am not sure who dropped off the Marlins' payroll this last year, and I am too lazy to look something like this up, so I will just assume that there is still roughly $56 m in committments for the next year.
Assuming that an average mid market team, which the Marlins probably are, has a payroll around $100 m, it is probable that the Marlins are out of the $20-25 m free agent signings.
So, what about Los Marineros de Seattle? Who has it signed? that's right, no one.