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They looked at the game and said the game has changed into one of finding young, cheap talent, undervalued talent. And they were right. So they obtained and deployed the services of a top-notch evaluator and assembler of young, cheap talent. Howard and Chuck turn over the reins to Jack and said, "Build us a franchise." And then stepped back and resumed counting beans.
Meanwhile, the Angels, had an entirely different gig going. Arte Moreno isn't interested in winning efficiency games. He wants to change the game. So instead of hiring an efficiency and talent expert, stepping aside, and figuring his part of the job is done, he rolls up his sleeves and gets involved in altering the assumptions of the equation.
History has turned on the M's. Their gambit is designed for what has suddenly become a bygone era. They'd better do some MAJOR redesigning. And they'd better do it fast. And they'd better do it right.
The young, cheap talent on the farm will help make starting this process possible, but going forward all of a sudden this asset it is no longer enough to ensure competitiveness.
I'm not sure we've yet absorbed the paradigm shift that the Angels' bombshell has introduced. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but that's my sense of things.
The M's haven't been out-GM'd. They've been out-ownered.

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