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they're just looking at the Mariners to see if THEY are.
There is no denying that the landscape of the competition has changed underneath Jack's feet. The Mariners wring their hands, squirm, and look back over their shoulder at a few ill-advised but hardly mammoth contracts, all the while debating over whether they should go the extra mile to improve MLB's worst offense while one of the teams they are chasing just trumped them AFTER swallowing Well's large, unproductive contract the previous year. While the M's squirmed, the Angels upped the ante.
The angst being felt is not any sign of quit in the fans (here, at least), it's a sign of concern that the Mariners front office has been exposed as pipsqueaks in a land of giants. Or to change the metaphor, the Mariners have had us wandering through the wilderness for eight years preparing to enter the promised land, and just as we appear to be on the cusp of reaching it the spies come back and tell us the Anakim dominate the land. And us fans wonder, are Howard Lincoln and Chuck Armstrong courageous Moses and Joshua, or are they fearful, hoarding Achans at Ai?

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