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in a desert of fantasy and oversimplification. Those that are choosing to deal in reality instead of fantasy are acknowledging that barring a strong countermove, which they do NOT recommend, the M's now must bide their time for ANOTHER three to five years and wait until the rust starts to attack this monstrous gambit by the competition.
As if the Mariners' fans, the 60% of them or so that are left, have an inexhaustable supply of patience, and adding another three to five years to the eight rebuilding years we've already experienced is not THAT big a deal.
So they protect themselves from total surrender by fantasizing that if we just keep extending the amount of time the M's have for their plan to reach fruition the some day they will succeed and become an annual threat. It was CCR that sang the song, "Some Day Never Comes."
You're competition just slapped you upside the head with a severe reality check. Uh, Howard, Chuck, are you in the game? The real game? Or are you still living in the fantasy world you've constructed where you can play with the big boys without paying the entry fee?

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