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benihana's picture

8/160 vs. 6/150 and you say take the 6?  
Prince Fielder age 34 and age 35 seasons for $5 million a piece? And this is a bad deal? 
Josh Willingham just signed for his age 33 through 35 seasons for $7 million each.  Josh Willingham has never had an OPS+ over 129.
Michael Cuddyer is in the same boat and looking at $9-10 million.   He's never had an OPS+ over 124.
Preemptively: I don't buy the Cecil comparison arguments.  Prince is coming from a much more sustained high point.  Cecil had one great season, Prince has had 3 of the last 5, and his "down year" in 2010 would have been Cecil's second best.  Yes they share genetics, same way KGjr shared genetics with his dad.
8 years, 160 million, sign me up.
I think it's gonna take 7/160 to get it done, so I'll take the free year, tyvm.
- Ben.

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