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OK....Well analyzed Doc,
I've assumed the M's were the favorites the last few days, and actually expected an announcement.
8X$20M? The Pujols-set market says that's the price......or at least Boras believes so. But it doesn't appear that all the likely suspects buy into that market evaluation.  Boras bets that the pot will simmer for a bit and some GM will boil over. 
But what does $6X25M and a mutual option get you, right now? 
That would make it $160M vs $150M and the chance that Prince still pulls down some big green when he opts out.  Were I ownership, I would rather spend the extra $5-large for the first 6 years than the extra $20-large for the final, two.
That is the Moe line, and I'm wondering if the Mariner offer on the table doesn't look something like that.
BTW, I'm wondering if the Angels would hit the Redo button if they could?
Go team.

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