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I’m with moe, and I too like Cuddyer.  One of the reasons I like him is that, unlike Chone, he’s a a GREAT clubhouse guy by all accounts and a leader in the locker room.  Right now our locker room leaders are some mix of Olivo and Brendan Ryan, which is both awkward and short-term.  Yes, it will be Ackley and others shortly, but I’d rather have a guy who’s made runs to the playoffs to be around to show the kids how it’s done.
But with Chone here it’s basically impossible. CHONE was supposed to be the bridge and he failed utterly and completely at that, while still absorbing our "bridge" funds.  We have potentially four 3B within one step of the bigs (Seager on the big club and Liddi, F-Mart AND Catricala who could be in AAA).  Right now dumping Figgins and saving any kind of cash is a fantasy.  Failures with civics are what hamstring your org.
Maybe Seager AND Liddi AND Catricala can’t handle the hot corner and have to move off position.  Okay, we’ve then got Steven Proscia and Brad Miller who will both likely be at AA at some point this year, and either could make the Seager –run up the ladder if they’re hot.  I wish we were waiting on one player (say…Rendon) but but we're waiting for a player to emerge from a raft-full of other players. Seager should be able to bridge and we'll find out if he's capable of being a decent 3B or not.  If it's not him you turn it over to F-Mart or Catricala or whomever.
I also don’t see us adding both Cuddyer and Fielder.  I’ve always thought, going back to the middle of last year, that we’d be trying to get Cuddyer or Kubel in here in the offseason.  Cuddyer is older, but can play 3B and the OF as you say, so he gives some flexibility if you don’t believe Carp is a LF, and Ichiro will be leaving RF after the coming season.  I get that as a bridge scenario...but I can't see the Ms giving him that money JUST to be a McLemore.
If you’re prepared to have Cuddyer + Francis + a backup SS be our offseason, then yay Cuddyer!
I’m hoping that’s not Plan A.

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