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Looks like Cuddyer is seeking 3X$10M, and has already been offered 3 years @ $25M total.  I  don't think the M's are going there unless we dump Figgins first.
I'm willing to bet that Z and the office are looking at an M's team with three potential 3B (and maybe 4) in-house right now.
1. Seager
2. Liddi
3. Figgins (he could, I suppose, in some kind of perfectly aligned universe actually hit .270 and walk another 70-80 pts...although his feeble efforts against hardstuff indicates no)
Plan B: Nick Franklin, in a June call-up, if need be.
Three young guys and one old has been:  I'm not seeing another $10M going to a 33 year old utility guy, and I kind of like Cuddyer.  Minus the $9 going to Figgins, this is a different situation.

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