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Taro's picture

I don't really see the inverted W/timing issue (maybe slightly -would need slow-mo), but poor job of leveraging his lower body and the followthrough.. Hes not a train wreck, but as part of the strategy of building a team you don't want to commit the critical parts of your plan in high-risk assets IMO.
He might last 4 good years.. but Pineda, Hultzen, Paxton, and then Gio on top of that? The core part of your plan is too high risk. You're already banking on a dice roll as is.
The fact that you shipped out your low-risk TOR SP and more minor league currency on top of that would make it a pretty questionable strategic move IMO.
Still, I don't think thats happening here.. My guess is Z is seeing if he can nab Gio for quantity as opposed to quality if the market doesn't develop.

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