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I don't like the Fister trade, didn't really from the start.  The pieces we got back can fill spots but not dominate.  Maybe F-Mart will change my opinion on that if he turns into Adam Jones at 3B and really is the future there filling a black hole with plus production.
That said, it may be that Jack planned to take extra time and let the kids blossom more, that he was not expecting to have funds freed up for Fielder, whatever, hence the Fister trade.
But if Fielder is still there and available with you as one of two major suitors, the Angels just made a major in-your-face move (or two) and the committee has now authorized you to open up both barrels (and the checkbook) on the competition?
Plans change as circumstances do.  No plan survives first engagement, right?  Better be agile enough to change directions when warranted.
I still think we'll be on a stay-the-course, small-move offseason.
But if Gio and Fielder are gettable, and the latter requires the former, then I could find that to be a fascinating solution to our Felix Window problem.

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