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benihana's picture

Since I think the whole Japanese style "posting" system of free agency is horrendeously outdated and unfair, I'd love for the Rangers to punk the system.  
They hear that Toronto, New York, and other AL competitors are high on Yu.  They are flush with cash after their recent trips to the "World" Series.  They bid high, win the exclusive negotiating rights, then proceed to absolutely low-ball Darvish for the next 30 days.  Competitors spend their allocated money.  Yu reverts back to Nippon-Ham.  Rangers laugh at the rest of the AL. 
I'm honestly surprised that it hasn't happened more often, it costs the winning bidder nothing if they can't reach agreement with the posted player ala Oakland and Iwakuma. 
The AL West landscape is certainly changing, Heyman's tweeting that we made Prince an offer - interesting times, interesting times.
- Ben.

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