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G-Moneyball had made the point that C.J. Wilson was not a net improvement to our rivals, as a group.  Had strongly agreed with this interpretation.  A lot of the gain that C.J. would give the Angels, he'd give back by beating the Rangers for us.
Since the Rangers swapped out Wilson for Darvish, though ...
1.  Doesn't bother me about the Rangers.  It just gives them a real good chance to mess up the Zone they were in.
2.  Does bother me about the Angels:  the division is improved by one Titan.
Four scary teams in the AL now, rather than two.  The M's goal has to be, to become the 5th scary team.
They can do it, if they spend.  Which Zduriencik has said, that the owners have committed resources that are 'exciting.'
Gimme one Prince Fielder main course with a side order of Gio, please.  And I'll be ordering dessert as well.

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