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Love it.  Well laid-out, MA.
And yeah, I agree, it seems like barring an 11th hour surprise the two lead horses coming around the bend are the Nats and the Ms...if Boras can talk the Nats into the TV rights and marketability part of spending that much on Fielder.
I wish Rendon were tradable at this point, because if we wanted Fielder and the Nationals wanted a cheaper 1B to let them sign Cespedes and re-sign Zimmerman...
Then a Rendon-for-Smoak swap would do wonders to clear up the situation.  We get our 3B and 1B of the present AND the future once Fielder signs here as the only market left that will offer what he wants.  The Nats get Smoak with Morse getting play at various parts of the field.  Heck, we could swap LaRoche-for-Figgins if you wanted in the process.
It would relieve the difficulties of having Smoak DH and wondering if that will mess him up. If I was Zduriencik and I really wanted this Fielder thing to go down, and I was SURE that it was us or the Nats...that's a ballsy solution.
Instead, we're gonna have to see who blinks.  Us, the Nats...or Boras.
My guess is that we're gonna need to find an alternate plan in the 5 weeks before Spring Training, and that alternate plan would look very much like our currently assembled team, with Iwakuma added.

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