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ghost's picture

BBRef comp lists generally make no sense to me.  They compare players based on counting stats accrued in a given amount of playing time (and age)...they tell you little about context, skill type or player family.  BP's list at least include those phenotypes and some other info that helps narrows things a bit (plus the counting stats are better-adjusted for context).
That pattern I'm noticing with both the BBRef and BP lists...most of the players on those lists evaporated or at least transitioned down to much lower production levels when they hit 30-34.  Or became increasingly injury prone...either/or.
Hafner, Morneau, Mitchell, Stuart, LaRoche, Pena...all fizzled rather suddenly to new established levels of performance much lower than their prime years early in their thirties.  The BP list has similar stories like Frank Thomas (who suddenly and unexpectedly forgot how to hit for average), Mo Vaughn (whose body gave out), etc.  So...yeah...that's a risk at the end of Fielder's contract if it's a long one.

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