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Well done again.  I appreciate the business view of the negotiations rather than solely focusing on the WAR/$ paradigm.
The only team I haven't seen mentioned by the media as a mystery team is the LA Dodgers.  I know all about the ownership situation.  But, Torre leaving MLB HQ to join one of the potential ownership groups, the TV rights being up for bid again, and they had plenty of money to re-sign Matt Kemp at 8/160.
It just makes sense for the Dodgers to sign him.  They have a mediocre firstbaseman in Loney.  They need to compete with the Angels for the spotlight that the city of Los Angeles thrives on.  Even though money is tight now, the new owners won't have any problems meeting payroll.  And, if I remember correctly, the sale of the team has to happen by the end of April.  
I also think a Torre-led ownership would view Prince as an asset on the books.  Baker's reasoning of not having anyone on the payroll makes it easier to sell makes sense in the case of the Mariners, but a baseball veteran like Torre may have a different perspective.  I also bet Torre has some inside information about the sale and he's already in baseball's cultural inner circle.
From Fielder's persepective, he gets the big market, big contract, and gets plenty of publicity. He gets to continue to complete with Pujols in a celebrity and baseball way, but not directly like the NL Central.  Prince doesn't have to change leagues and learn new pitchers.
I may be just completely off base here, but I fear the Dodgers may be the mystery team.

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