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than all the national guys who change the team that Fielder will go to every other day just to keep the news cycle going.
She has her source, but so do they, and most of them wind up being wrong in the end.  Offseason rumor-mongering is fun, but it's not accurate news because the people who do know - namely the Ms and Boras - are not talking on or off the record.
*shrugs* We're getting to crunch time.  If we're offering the same 5/$110 that the Nationals are (eventually) offering if they miss out on the Cuban, the Nats will win.  They're closer to his home, in his familiar league, etc.
We will have to offer more years.  If I was Price I'd take 3 years at a HUGE salary then go for a 6 year deal at age 30.
But it sounds like Boras wants either an 8 year deal or a 4-5 which should still have a healthy Prince at the end trying to get his last Carlos Delgado deal.
I'm hoping we have the 8/$180 on the table and Fielder/Boras blinks once all the other dance partners have left the floor.
OTOH, if Prince REALLY doesn't want to be here (as opposed to Boras wanting the biggest cash and press win possible) then best of luck to him...
And to Jack because we'll need a better plan B than Heilman, as stated above.

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