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it sounded less like baloney and more like some solid information.
But if we provisionally accept it as true, that the M's are just one of a bunch of teams hoping to catch fruit that just falls off the tree, to me it doesn't line up with Zduriencik waiting it out so long and holding off on other pursuits while doing so. I know the counter is that he's not missing out on anything yet, but the point is not that some deal he would otherwise make HAS gone down with another team, it's that he would be risking that he will wake up one morning and it WILL go down. You'd never know it until it happened. And every day that goes by increases the chance that it will happen.
I don't know. Jack doesn't strike me as a guy who builds his whole offseason around a lengthy crapshoot. Not only that, but it would be a VERY poor public relations move at a point in Mariners history where they can ill afford one to go into mid-January with the fans and local media talking about nothing but Fielder, doing nothing substantial to suppress expectations, and then presenting the fans with an offseason of John Jaso, Iwakuma, Kawasaki, and Aaron Heilman. 

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