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The first part of my earlier post was orthodox Christianity.  My viewpoints vary from Catholic, to early Christian,  to old school Protestant reformers like John Henry and John Bunyan.  These sects differ to a very small degree.  That's a pretty narrow and dogmatic range of view to claim as right.  Is it arrogant to claim to know the mind  of God?  Certainly.  Do I believe that I know the mind of God on a few issues?  Yes.
You talked earlier about big proof for big claims.  I agree with that.  I can't give you anything better than what I've got:  My wife had a congenital defect from her mom not taking enough folic acid when she was in the womb.  This defect was a knot right above her butt where her spinal cord extruded from her vertebae and formed an exposed large nerve ending that was covered only by the skin on her back.  This condition is called spinal bifida occulta.  This knot was large, and caused my wife intense pain.  She was told by a doctor that if she fell on her back wrong she would go paralyzed.
Anyway, my wife wanted a baby but was afraid, because she thought that she might become paralyzed if she did.  We asked our pastor to pray for her so that she would get better.  He did, and then. . . Nothing.  We went home, and went on with our lives.  Four months later, I noticed one day that my wife had recently  stopped complaining about her back hurting.  I looked at her spinal bifida, which was often black and blue and green with bruising, and it had shrunk down to nothing!  It's been gone for six years now.  No pain, no problems, the issue is forgotten.  We had some kids too.
Plus, I'm a lot nicer and happier than I used to be.
Plus, God has bailed me out on a number of smaller issues, such as saving me from bad situations, crazy people, and myself on many different occasions.
That's all I've got for proof, but you can depose more witnesses if you are interested.  I'm sure plenty of people would be glad to tell you their story.

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