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i read and reread that article, thinking my eyes had deceived me. you have it backwards doc. "Results of a national survey of 1,472 physicians revealed that more than half of physicians (63%) agree that the theory of evolution is more correct than intelligent design." if im missing something obvious, please point it out for me. a few more really interesting tidbits from that article.
"The majority of all doctors (78%) accept evolution rather than reject it and, of those, Jews are most positive (94%), Catholics are next (86%) followed by Protestants (59%)."
“As our earlier physician studies indicated, religion, culture and ethnic heritage have an impact on their views of science, even from this relatively homogenous group of physicians who share similar education, income and social status,” noted Glenn Kessler, co-founder and managing partner, HCD Research.
to your point about lumping gay people, environmentalists, and theists together, first of all, homosexuals (i believe) arent given the choice of which side of the aisle they want. genetic discoveries will someday make that obvious, but for now we have this archaic debate on our hands about homosexuality being a "sin" driven by, coincidentally, the religious. so no, i dont think they have a psychotic disorder and differently than a person born with blue eyes.
and environmentalists have good reason to care about the environment, we, and all of our future generations have to live in it. there are many studies out showing what effects man has made on the environment, and not many of them are good. how in any way is that even debatable as to whether it may be a psychotic disorder?
a theist is given a choice (well, some of them are, many are indoctrinated from birth) and ample evidence and information to go on to make that choice. after typing all of this out, im rethinking your statement, and maybe you werent inferring that those types of people should be lumped together, but rather how would i respond to someone trying to classify them as having a p.d. but you did lump them together, so im confused.....
regarding evolution, so that makes you a creationist? that humans didnt evolve from our common ancestor with chimpanzees? and then that all life exists pretty close to its original form? how old do you think the earth and universe is? how long do you think homo sapiens have been on the planet? i know im using up a lot of questions here, but im really curious.
i would love to post a link to a video explaining exactly how the eye could have evolved from scratch, but two issues. first, i dont want to come off as condescending. you said youve studied the subject, and come to your own conclusion, so i can respect that. but if you do want to take a look, its about 8 minutes long, and has links to numerous other videos filling in the holes, like the problem with irreducible complexity. its really quite fascinating, but ill leave that totally up to you. if you do want to give it a watch, that leads me to my 2nd problem. this is literally one of the first internet discussions ive ever had, and unfortunately i dont know how to post a link. so ill leave that totally up to you.
i know im throwing a lot at you, and thats not really fair in regards to our q and a back and forth. so if you have more than 1 question, ask away.

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