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But is that all you would say to a person who wanted to classify a theist (or a gay person, or an environmentalist) psychotic?  That you personally would not do so, and you don't think they should, either?
Answering your question:  Einstein remarked on many other occasions that he disliked the idea of a personal God, in part because of evil in the world.  In this he was very similar to Antony Flew, whose writings I'm very familiar with.
I make of Einstein's unbelief that --- > either (1) the evidence for Christ's divinity is weaker than I think it is - OR - else (2) Einstein could not overcome his personal preferences, and his biases clouded his thinking on this particular issue.
 Einstein fell prey to this on other issues, such as on the Big Bang question.
And here's answer #4 from my side, leaving me with 3 questions in hand ;- )
I understand that microevolution - the lengthening of a giraffe's neck - occurs.  Natural selection pressures exist, and shape animal populations.
I know more genetics than the average bear, and I do not believe that evolution across species occurs.  I don't believe that selection pressures can logically produce (say) an eyeball, much less the flagellation motor of a bacterium.  
Yes, I've seen the attempts to show how they might.  I believe that selection pressures work *against* the intermediary stages of complex organisms, that a half-developed eye is a handicap for procreation, not an advantage.
That's another 1,000-page debate, but there's my answer.  No, I don't believe that macroevolution occurs - my belief is on purely scientific, not religious, grounds.
Many evolutionists reject classical Darwinism on the same grounds, retreating to more radical paradigms such as punctuated equilibrium.
62% of medical doctors -- who I'm assuming have more scientific training than you do, LR? -- reject classical Darwinism, and at least 50% believe that schools should be allowed to teach Intelligent Design.

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