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longtime reader's picture

i would say that theism should not be classed a phychiatric disorder. i wont begin to pretend to understand all the nuances that go into classifying something as such, but i would not call a theist psychotic. i have already said, there are many intelligent people that have compelling arguements for the belief in a god.
but who knows, maybe there is something going on in the brain that leads someone to be more prone to believing in a god. in fact, human beings might someday be able to predict which person is going to believe in god and which person isnt by looking at a brain scan. if that were the case, then you could make a case that believing in a god might be a mental disorder. or maybe thats completely wrong, and that day will never come because its impossible. this is purely speculation on my part, but its interesting to think about.
ok my turn. what do you make of einstein not believing that jesus was the son of god? i get that he respects those that do, but what does it say to you that he didnt find the evidence compelling enough?

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