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i have spelled my case out, and have had to repeat and refocus my points. i feel like my questions to you are being ducked, morphed into something i didnt say, then stiff armed back at me. i defended dawkins up to a certain point, but i also stated his shortcomings in the debate.
i am NOT a blind dawkins worshipper, despite the way you characterize me as such. i really wish i had more time, but again i must go pay the bills. i will write more later, but let me say for now, that i am writing out what i and i think other clear thinking people would describe as good questions, and good observations. you are taking those, boiling them down to a few sentences, and interpretting from that what you like. totally unfair to the discussion.
if you want me to give you specific answers to your dawkins questions, it would be courteous to first answer the many questions i have posed to you. thats the way a discussion ought to work. i have no problems answering ANY of your questions, do you have problems answering mine?

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