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This is all a bait-and-switch.
1.  Dawkins labors to gain traction for the idea that belief in God is delusional.  
2.  Then if you strongly call him on it, he throws down an exploding smoke grenade, "Oh no!  I just meant, according to technical dictionary definition #4!"  
3.  People wander off, and he goes back to working towards the USSR's definition:  that Theism is a diagnosable psychiatric disorder.
Longtime Reader, what would you say, precisely, to Richard Dawkins if he proposed that?  That Theism be classed as a psychiatric disorder?  What would be your precise reply to him?  Please enclose your reply in quotation marks.
If you tell me that you would oppose him strongly, rebuking him for hatred and illogical thinking, I'll immediately shake hands and grant your point.

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