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just to be honest here, im not very familiar with these kinds of problems. i kinda skipped around and read some of this, but didnt really sit down and absorb it. i have heard sam harris a few times, but never about these types of problems with free will. so i have to plead ignorance of this topic for now...
i will just state that there are some great mysteries that we just dont know, and maybe simply cannot know. this seems like it may be one of those. i will have to familiarize myself with these complaints and with what harris and dennett and others have to say about free will being an illusion. i think i know what the theistic explanation for free will is already.
harris states his opinion on the ought/is problem as trying to imagine the worst possible suffering for everything, and any steps taken to alleviate that is a good moral decision. trying to put morality in a scientific sense. is that right, or did i mess that up?
good stuff grumpy, thanks.

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