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Per your definition:  "Refusing to accept the Party's conclusions in the face of their best arguments."
Of course it's not delusional to prefer Francoeur over Swisher.  It may be due to more primitive evaluation methods, or bias toward defense, or any number of things that don't imply insanity.
Of the 30 GM's, there may some who would prefer Francoeur to Swisher.  They would prefer his fielding, his age, and his projectable power.  Bill James just had a discussion of the flaws in the Royals' thinking when they decided to build around Francoeur.
You're in the habit of confusing "wrong" with "psychiatrically disturbed."  What's worse, you work diligently to classify 80-90% of the world as insane.  I wonder why a person would have this as a life interest, to see that 90% of people are diagnosed as insane?
But, of course, the Soviet Union considered belief in God to be insanity.  That led to a lot of peaceful, benevolent humanism, didn't it?
Frankly, it's not appealing to try to exchange ideas with somebody so grimly determined to laugh at those who are different from him.  
Hopefully in America, the God Delusion community will never have the authority that Mao had.  Hopefully the moderate reader, seeing LR's (and Richard Dawkins') arguments towards classifying Christians as legally insane, will be moved to take a stand against this hatred.
I'll give you the last word, LR.

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