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i mean, where i am from, my wife goes church, her mom is christian, i have had debates on end with the christians i am in contact with.  many of them simply choose to ignore the things i say and counter with things like "i just believe what i believe" or, "i know its true because its true." im not cherry picking here, ive heard it many times from many different people.
my challenge still stands, go to youtube, watch some dawkins videos where he debates people or answers questions from believers. look at his exchange with wendy wright. look at some of his documentaries where he talks to religious people.
i wish it didnt come off as condescending to characterize christian arguements as though it were grade school level, but too often it is. im not saying your knowledge or d'souzas or others is grade school level. if i have offended you personally, i didnt mean to. clearly you and many others are capable of thinking and reasoning like adult. but so many of the faith arent. if all we have to testify to this is personal experience and what weve watched, then thats what i have to go by.
and if im not mistaken, dawkins has debated some of the big names toe to toe in the arena. maybe not the names youve mentioned, but i know hitchens has taken on d'souza. im not sure about the other two, but i dont think sam harris or daniel dennett are afraid to debate anybody.
dawkins is an evolutionary biologist, and i think hes aware of his strengths and weaknesses. hes not an expert on physics, or philosphy, and he has had to take his fair share of abuse for those shortcomings. but when he argues from strictly a scientific viewpiont about evolution, he gets things thrown at him like "the banana arguement." im sure youre aware of ray comfort, if not, quickly familiarize yourself. youre in for a real treat. just youtube ray comfort banana video, and tell me that thats not a 6 year olds way of looking at the world. and that guy is offering money to dawkins to debate him. dawkins said no. so hes not just ducking the big names.
to wrap it up, im not characterizing all christian arguements as childish. there are some strong arguements that need to be taken seriously. but too often i see the practicers of the faith dont have a reasonable approach to the question. and i think dawkins is inundated with those types of questions and attacks. the 6000 year old earth question, the flat out rejection by some of evolution. the literal word for word belief in the bible and all of its stories, even when confronted by massive scientific evidence to the contrary. if you were constantly burdened by those types of questions and sneers, how do you think you would react?

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