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The Christian far-right basis their governing on their religion. Atheism was a means to an end, not the goal for the Marxist. Conversion and the rule of law based on the bible would be the goal of the 'thumpers.  And, I'll bet they'd base large parts of their "law" on the sociopathic old testament. 
Would we just murder gays outright in this Christian utopia, or try to "cure" them first? Mind you, this thinking is happening right now in a modern democracy, with a educated populous,  not 50 years ago in a largely third world country.
(You have a handful of examples to cite of abuses by a Communists, whereas history is awash with genocide by theocracy.)
Yes, we never had gulags or "re-education" in America, that is a good thing, but I think that had more to do with capitalism than any Christian charity.  Our expansion, and thirst for labor made that any reduction in the labor supply untenable.
I think you are becoming (and by extension this blog) too much the minority amongst believers Doc, the increasing disdain, if not contempt, the religious right views logic and rational thought is getting in the way of real debate on serious issues.

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