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Auto5guy's picture

Not how many people in the world are Christian. You don't have to be a Christian to not think the religion is silly superstition.
How many billion Muslims are there in the world? They dont view Christianity as a silly superstition. They call Christians people of the book. Viewing them as incompleted Muslims so to speak. They don't think of Jesus as a silly superstitious myth either. They don't accept him as the son of God but they do accept him as a prophet of high regard. In the Muslim version of Armageddon guess who is coming back with Muhammad to kick butt and take names? His name starts with J and ends in S.
Most Buddhists also don't think of Jesus as a superstition or a myth. They don't accept him but do acknowledge him as a real historical spiritual teacher. And most agree that he touched on many of the spiritual truths they hold. You reap what you sow = karma.
Steen's comment is still inaccurate when applied globally and not just to the US.

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