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Steen, have you ever *heard* a Sarah Palin type speak in terms of gulags and Communist Party-style purges?
Again, how would you react if Tebow presumed to speak for unbelievers?
Suppose he said, "Put Steen and people like him in charge, and you'll get eugenics, genocide and brainwashing.  Atheistic governments like in the Soviet Union and PRC have proven this time and again."
If that debate occurred, wouldn't you prefer that you be allowed to speak for yourself?
So, if you're going to grant believers the same rights that you have yourself .... what are they saying?
Trust me.  The Christian community doesn't want to censor anybody's intellectual content.  Take this blog's policy towards censorship as an example.  Is it me, or is it more progressive authors, who believe in suppressing "incorrect" speech?
Silentpadna?  DaddyO?  Mikey Jay?  Mojician?  Do any of these guys want opposing views silenced, or do they want them debated?
You honestly don't need to fear the spiritual community's wish to silence opposition.  That's not where they're coming from.
America had Bible believers in charge from 1760 to 1960, two hundred years.  There were no gulags, and nobody asking for gulags.

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