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the reason he boils it down to the version suitable for a 6 year old, is because thats how many christians in the world view the religion. he is one of the leading evolutionary biologists in the world, and time after time, he has to correct a christian apologist over a simple error that said christian apologist is either completely ignorant of, or doesnt want to face. just a quick perusal of his youtube videos and you can find exactly the types of things im talking about.
when he and other atheists are constantly faced with grade school depictions of the stuff he has spent his life discovering and championing, and only by those of a religios persepective, of course he is going to give a grade school level explanation for things. and a lot of the religios dogma does sound like things a grade schooler would believe.
i dont want to start a holy war, but i think you can understand why maybe he attacks the way he does. and if you have read any of his or christopher hitchens or sam harris books, you will see he isnt only attacking religions on a grade school level. these are some of the brightest minds on the planet, in hitchens case was, as he just recently passed away. these guys arent only out there looking for easy sucker punches. these guys go toe to toe with the biggest christian debaters out there; william lane craig, john lennox, alister mcgrath.
and to address that many many people believe christianity to be a superstition, that is true. to use just the % of people in this county is quite misleading, as we are the highest % christian nation in the world. look all around europe, specifically the norwegian countries. asia is dominated by a different religion. it is true to say that the majority of the planet believes christianity to be untrue. maybe i misread his post, but you quoted him as saying "many MANY people", not many americans.

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