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Job-sharing C with Jaso and DH with Carp (who is also job-sharing LF with Wells who in turn is job-sharing CF with Guti)...

The whole team as a series of job shares.

With LH (ought to be solid OBP) Jaso at C in the lineup, then Monty to DH and Carp to LF.
Removing RH (questionable OBP) Wells -- so you've got smooth flow of LH guys who get on base, plus Monty.  (Ichiro-Seager-Ackley-Carp-RH Monty-SH Smoak-Jaso.) That ought to make for some long innings for RHP.
But if you want RH bombs-away guys, you can throw Olivo, Wells, Liddi and Monty out there all at once.
And I just think y'all are too fixated on Wells.  His successor is rounding the final curve and heading for the homestretch.  He is our #1 hitting prospect left in the minors.  His minor-league track record is ten times better than Wells and pretty much as good as Ackley's.
I don't think he'll come up until later in the summer, but I don't doubt he will.  If he comes up in LF, then he bumps Wells out of the rotation entirely.  If they give him a go at 3b, then he's squeezing out Seager and Liddi.  I think he'll squeeze out Wells.

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