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When someone says you need to be careful about the vL split for a right handed batter...they certainly don't mean ignore their actual performance against right handed pitching.  They mean that because right handers more often face their disadvantaged platoon side, it's statistically less likely that that platoon side will actually be a significant disadvantage.  They mean...ignore the vL performance and assume the righty's actual ability is much closer to his vR split.
If Guti is a .240 hitter vR...then he's a .240 hitter.  Period.  Which means he should never play at all.  If he has a better year than that in 2012, it won't be because he's a "lefty masher" playing only against the'll be because he hits better all around.
BTW, I think you folks are also reading WAY too much into Guillen's signing (even Doc...sorry, dude...can't follow you down this rabbit hole).
I don't think it's at all clear that he'll make the club, let alone that the Mariners have some grand plan to win in 2012 with crafty veretan leadership like Kennedy.  I view Guillen as veteran competition for rookie ABs...a guy who'll force Liddi and Seager and a couple of the other young bats to earn their big league roster spots and their playing time by outhitting a replacement level vet.  Zduriencik likes to force his kids to earn their keep rather than handing them jobs.  Even in a rebuilding year, he wants them to have to work for their pay.  I think this is a good thing...and I really do not think it means no shot for Alex Liddi.

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