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Exactly.  Z's trying to put together a team that could win a bunch of games if everything goes right.  300+ Guillen AB's, with 15 doubles and 8 taters would go a long way to helping.
Two main things scare me about the M's offense right now:  #1.  That we get to watch too much of Figgins.  Over the past 4 seasons, Figgins has had 1 horrible one, 2 lousy ones, and one good one.  The good one was driven completely by an outlier # of walks.  That # of walks will never happen again because every pitcher just flat out challenges him.  He can't hurt them so they don't nibble.  #2.  That we get to watch too much of Guti in CF against RHP, whom he flails against terribly. But I suppose I'm beating that point to death.
Used correctly, we have enough bats to score runs.
The Guillen addition doesn't hurt.

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