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Best article on Kuo's anxiety problem.
Two seasons ago he missed nearly three months with a similar condition that the Dodgers initially called elbow problems.
They were understandably trying to protect his privacy in a sensitive matter for which the macho baseball culture has little patience.
This time there is no hiding the problem, and thus there will be no hiding his recovery, which will take place under the same sorts of pressure that caused this affliction in the first place.
After his shaky first outing Thursday while starting against the Visalia Rawhide, Kuo was pleasant, but unsettled, as if still trying to find answers where there are few.
When I asked if he had spoken to any player who had this affliction, he said, "Yeah, I talked to myself, I had it."

When he's on, he's unstoppable.  When his head's not right...well, it's kinda like Brad Lidge when he goes off his rocker.  Ankiel was the worst example of acknowledged anxiety issues destroying a pitcher that I can think of.  Most people don't acknowledge that anxiety is the issue. 
I hope he's gotten more help than just talking to himself (that shrink and pills idea isn't a bad one to get him back on his feet).  I'd love to see his arm and head both 100% on target for the same goal, because when he's on, he is devastating.  Would YOU want to see Kuo-Wilhelmsen-Sherrill-League all in a row heading to the end of the game?
That could be a fun bullpen to watch work early in the year.
But Kuo has to rein in his wayward emotions first.  Fingers crossed, because he could be a big boon to us.

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