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The guy has had a ton of injuries, beginning with TJ before he ever threw a pitch in the majors. Last year, it was, indeed, more his head than his arm. He had two long stretches where he was out because he was scared to death to pitch. Me, too, but I threw 84 with a minus-minus breaking ball.
I can't imagine what it might take to make an admission of that fear among the manly men of the MLB, but he did it. So, in addition to his pure stuff - and it really is funhouse quality - you know going in that despite being scared the guy is in some fundamental sense fearless. He's a really big guy and you can imagine he was always the biggest, strongest kid on his block, so maybe the self-assurance came with the package.
If he can pitch, hitters are completely helpless against him. He's the kind of guy other pitchers stop what they're doing to watch him throw bullpens. This is a great no-risk gamble.

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